Sunday 19 October 2014

Prototype EP Review

Vaginal Explosion's. Just imagine it: Something so beautiful destroyed and reduced to virtually nothing. This is what you get with Seek Solace In Ruin!

Prototype is the debut EP from Hardcore Metal motherfuckers Seek Solace In Ruin!! The artwork pretty much sums up how you'll feel listening to it, as your whole body is torn apart by the heaviness. 

The first track on the album is entitled 
Discombubulatedcorpseterminationurbanizationgovernmentalibationexplosivemontazumasblastingpowerrevenge, or Disco Bob for short. It begins with a sinister acoustic tune before stopping and then.............. FUCK!!! A burst of heavy goodness that would bring a tear to a glass eye! Perfect for banging your head to.

Next up is the title track, continuing the heavy fucking up that is Seek Solace. A lovely chorus in this one, as Joe's screaming vocals compete with the guitars for dominance. The bridge slows things down, until the drums come in with some very cool fills before the song ends with Joe's vocals winning the battle.

The third track, Arterial Failure begins with some very heavy drum beats and palm muted guitar, before a pause of pace and then a scream from Joe as the heaviness comes back into it. "I'll take you down, I won't show you mercy" Sounds about right, as the song shows no mercy in fucking about your eardrums, especially during the instrumental parts! This one is my favourite from the EP

Rooted begins as soon as Arterial finishes, giving no break for us. The guitar riffs offers something kind of bouncy, so if you want to jump about the place, now's the time to do it. The bridge in this is probably the heaviest part of the EP, as it starts slowly allowing for some drum fills before we get the signature "We're about to fuck you" speedy guitar sound of Seek Solace In Ruin

What's the best part about this EP? Well, it's free!!! Here's the link, download it now (although you may want to prepare your ear drums first)!

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