Thursday 29 January 2015

Triverse Massacre's Return Review

Friday the 23rd January saw those death/groove metallers Triverse Massacre do their thing at their now annual It's Grim Up North showcase night at Club Rock. Originally I intended to see all the bands, but after some drinks time flew by and I only got to see Triverse, not that I'm complaining considering the performance they put on! This gig also saw the return of Dan Fisher playing bass. I'm not sure whether this was a one off or if he's back in the band again, but I'm sure we shall see soon!

Things kicked off with a fairly decent sized crowd getting their heads fucked about with the opener from the bands second EP With Bared Teeth and Truths, Wolves At Your Gate, before the guys played their speedy song Exhale Betrayl. Things got a little violent with a three man mosh pit, but no one suffered any injures beyond cuts and bruses. 

Next up was the closer to their Second EP, Torn from the Throne, and indeed, if anyone was on the toilet during this song, they would have quickly gotten rid of everything within their bowls to come and have their brains caved in by this monsterous track. Thankfully no one needed a shit during that song, as otherwise there mey have been diarrea on the dancefloor!

We Keep Your Dead, a demo the band never realesed on their EP's, but avaliable here, was played next, and it was bloddy brilliant to see the band fully getting into this one, thrashing their heads around. Cleary their thrashing also got the crowd going, as in the next song, Slaughter of the Bantu, the three man mosh pit expanded to included a woman as well. 

To close off the night, the band finnished with what I would say is their best song, Bullets Kill Beasts! After a scream of "BULLETS" in response to Liam Stark's question of what their last song would be, Stark said "We're so predictable!" That may be so, but we wouldn't have it any other way
Check out the bands stuff on bandcamp, youtube and facebook

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